Chaz Rowan

Marketing Manager / Realtor

ADDRESS: 6060 North Central Expressway STE 500, Dallas, TX 75206

OFFICE: 800-928-5778


Your trusted real estate advisor and proud Aggie alum. Leveraging a successful background as a Human Resources Professional, Chaz seamlessly transitioned into the dynamic world of real estate, driven by a commitment to servant leadership and a genuine passion for assisting individuals at every step of their property journey.

With a keen understanding of the intricacies of buying, selling, and investing, Chaz brings a unique blend of expertise and dedication to ensure a smooth and rewarding real estate experience for his clients. His client-centric approach, combined with a comprehensive knowledge of the market, positions Chaz as the ideal guide to navigate the complexities of real estate transactions.

Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, a seasoned investor, or looking to sell your property, Chaz Rowan is eager to be your advocate and guide you through the process with enthusiasm and professionalism. Trust in Chaz to turn your real estate goals into reality, making your property journey a seamless and successful one.